The Litter Tray

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The articles in this section are provided for information purposes only and are in no way a substitute for professional veterinary advice .


Cat Litter Box Health ConsiderationsBy: Rob Wellborn
The majority of all risks stemming from cat ownership are associated with thecat litter box and/or cat feces. There are two categories of risks. The firstcategory...
A Common Cat Litter Box Problem - Feline UTIBy: Kurt Schmitt
Cat litter box problems stem from a variety of sources. One of the most commoncauses is a feline Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Cats tolerate pain prettywell. As a matter of fact, we can be fooled that kitty is feeling fine becauseshe's eating, purring, and snuggling up to us for human love and attention. Butat the same time...
How To Do Cat Litter Box RetrainingBy: Nancy E. Wigal
Cats stop using the cat litter box for a number of reasons. Once you discoverthe reason why and correct it, you may need to re-train your cat to use her boxagain. Despite what you think, you can train a cat!...
Cat Litter Brands Determine Good Cat Litter Box HabitsBy: Nancy E. Wigal
If you have a cat who doesn't use her cat litter box, it might be the type ofcat litter you buy for her. Cats are fussy about a lot of things, and the catlitter brand you think she'll likes might end up offending her for a number ofreasons...
Why Cat Urine Smells So Bad and Doesn't Go Away By: Nancy E. Wigal
Cat urine odor is unique among the many smells we know. While there are othersmells that are worse, most of us probably don't come across them. Many peoplewonder why cat urine odor is so hard to get rid of. This article talks a littlebit about the composition of cat urine...
Cat Litter Box Location Strategies By: Nancy E. Wigal
Just like in real estate where location is crucial, so it is for your cat'slitter boxes. Here's some ideas and tips on how to effectively locate them forgood cat litter box habits...
Cat Litter Box Strategies for Special Needs Kitties By: Nancy E. Wigal
You don't often hear about or see information for special needs kitties. Thesemay be blind, very old (with limited mobility), or disabled in some way.Disabled cats may be amputee's, or even paralyzed. There are special mobiledevices you can purchase for your paralyzed cat. But this article will talk alittle bit about the cat litter box concerns for special needs kitties. Due totheir limited mobility or lack of site, litter box type and location areabsolutely critical...
Feline Anxiety Causes Cat Litter Box Problems By: Nancy E. Wigal
Cats experience anxiety and get stressed out just like us human staffers.Unlike people, cats don't have a lot of creative ways to express theirfeelings. Unfortunately, when cats suffer from stress and anxiety, theygenerally communicate it in a very clear way that can really turn humans upsidedown...
How Many Cat Litter Boxes Do You Need?By: Nancy E. Wigal
The number of cat litter boxes available for your kitties is another key togood litter box habits. Many cats are fussy about their litter boxes, and ifthey aren't happy with number you provide, they communicate their unhappinessto you in most direct manner possible - they stop using the litter box...
Enzyme Cleaners - The Only Effective Cat Urine Odor EliminatorBy: Nancy E. Wigal
The first time a feline owner encounters an out-of-the-cat-litter-boxexperience, she probably uses whatever cleaners she has on hand. Initially, itappears she's cleaned the cat urine odor and stain from the location. However,in a matter of hours or days...
Serious Cat Urine Prevention TipsBy: Mike Taylor
Many times cat owners are at a loss as to why their cat doesn't use theirlitter box. Here are some great tips that can help you solve...
Toilet Training A Cat - Pros, Cons & Guide By: Claudine du Plessis
Toilet training your cat is an easier task than you might think. Severaltechniques can be used for training your cat to use the toilet, and you caneven buy products that will assist you in toilet training a cat.
How to Clean Cat Urine By: Matt Craine
Ideas for how to clean cat urine stains. When cat urine seeps through carpet,into padding and down to the floor beneath, it can give your home an unpleasantaroma...
Morgana, the Claustrophobic Kitty By: Mary Arnold
For over ten years, my family and I have had several cats sharing our home withus. Our first kittens, Tiger and White Sox, came to us from a friend whose owntwo cats had...

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